Saturday, February 9, 2008

Countdown to Easter

Daniel with the baskets on Easter morning 2007

Although I don't have the religious connection to the Easter holiday, as I believe on the first day of every week we are requested to remember our Savior and His sacrifice freely given for our lives, I do like the family gathering and some of the fun kid traditions that my parents shared with my siblings and I. We in turn are sharing these same traditions with our children.

I am using a website to help break down the preparation into five weeks. It is found on CEO's site;
Easter Countdown. For me this is actually a countdown to my Spring Break as well, as Celebration Week is my Spring Break. If you have kids at home, or are planning a family dinner, egg hunt or egg decorating get together, you will want to check out it.
Kevin and Raymond preparing eggs to dunk. April 7, 2007
Danny dunking egg during annual egg decorating get together.


  1. This is the website for Joyce Dorny's magazine "Organize Magazine".
    Avis and Jim just showed it to me. How awesome it that?

  2. Pretty cool. I am envious that she got to meet Peter Walsh. Not that I need him, but I really think he has done so many things to change so many people's lives. I love the show Clean Sweep and still watch the reruns from time to time. He was on Oprah several times as well. I am putting a link to Joyce's site up on my blog spot.
